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Social media has become such an integral part of our day to day lives that we sometimes find the lines blurred for what constitutes acceptable behavior online. Even as government agencies eagerly embrace social media and the instant interaction it affords, government managers face important training and policy issues concerning information disclosure and appropriate speech online. Of particular concern in the federal workplace is how the Hatch Act, which governs political speech by federal employees, plays into social media activity.
re going to launch an open data portal, make sure you've figured out how to automate the data updates first. It is harder to do, but essential. In the early days open data sites often live and die based on the engagement of a relatively small community or early adopters - the people who will initially make the data come alive and build broader awareness. Frustrate the community and the initiative will have a harder time gaining traction.
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Sharlyn Lauby About 3 days ago Sharlyn Lauby 16
ormular aus. Wähle unter “Regarding” den Punkt “Inactive username” und erkläre unter “Sharing is caring!” genau, wer Du bist, und warum Du so viel Interesse am inaktiven Twitter-Account hast. Be