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E-Government Transparency Index - Quantifying the Relationship Between Online Transparency and Trust in Government
We've made it easy for you to make enquiries to data holders about the openness of the material they hold — and to record publicly the results of those efforts.
creativecommons licence opendata open3
Science is based on building on, reusing and openly criticising the published body of scientific knowledge.
For science to effectively function, and for society to reap the full benefits from scientific endeavours, it is crucial that science data be made open.
r suchen immer neue Clickworker (freie Mitarbeiter), die auf der Suche nach einem Job sind und diesen zeitlich völlig flexibel ausüben wollen.
Das humangrid Team braucht Menschen die Spaß daran haben einen Text zu erstellen, zu korrigieren, zu übersetzen, Fotos und Videos zu verschlagworten, Produkte zu kategorisieren, im Web zu recherchieren, D