888 private links
Wer bei US-Unternehmen Daten in der Cloud abspeichert, ist nirgends vor dem Zugriff der US-Geheimdienste sicher
Social media has become such an integral part of our day to day lives that we sometimes find the lines blurred for what constitutes acceptable behavior online. Even as government agencies eagerly embrace social media and the instant interaction it affords, government managers face important training and policy issues concerning information disclosure and appropriate speech online. Of particular concern in the federal workplace is how the Hatch Act, which governs political speech by federal employees, plays into social media activity.
enting the first 12 months of President Obama's Open Government initiative, featuring interviews with key players and commentators involved in making Open Gov happen.
(tags: politik usa militär)
(tags: e-government usa obama brainstorming crowdsourcing)
(tags: news politik usa profil)
(tags: statistiken usa inflation wirtschaftsdaten)
Flickr zeigt verborgene Schätze, die in der riesigen Sammlung der Library of Congress schlummern.
(tags: bilder politik geschichte usa)
(tags: politik videos usa wahlkampf youtube obama)
Ob sich die Wirtschaft in einer Rezession (von lat. für „Rückgang“) befindet, entscheidet in den USA das private Wirtschaftsforschungsinstitut „National Bureau of Economic Research" (NBER
(tags: politik statistiken usa frieden)
(tags: cartoons politik usa)
(tags: suche usa datamining strafregister)