888 private links
/ detect whether user is logged in. here we check for an existence of a cookie /
head.feature("logged", mycookielib.get_cookie("auth_token"));
/* .. and write CSS accor
pull out all of your classes and id's and placing them into a starter stylesheet
(tags: iphone applikation html css)
(tags: linkstyles css webdesign smashingmagazine)
(tags: footer css webdesign smashingmagazine)
(tags: fontstack css webdesign smashingmagazine)
(tags: css webdesign)
(tags: css framework)
Visuelle Effekte rein durch Verwendung von CSS
(tags: css buttons forms link webdesign smashingmagazine)
(tags: blueprint css)
(tags: css html xml barrierefreiheit webdesign webstandards netzwerk)
(tags: css webdesign bookmarklet tools)
(tags: css images inline webdesign smashingmagazine)
(tags: css webdesign boxmodel littleboxes)
(tags: tutorials webdesign elearning css)