891 private links
Choosing a good date for your Hackathon can have a significant influence on how well it is attended and how much impact it has. Hackathons take concentrated effort over at least one day, so community Hackathons are typically held on weekends when most people are not working. Make sure you choose a date far enough in advance to allow yourself time to promote it to attendees.
In addition, we recommend that if possible, you avoid the following when choosing your date:
holiday weekends
politically significant dates, such as elections, especially if you are organizing a government open data Hackathon
religious holidays
summer months if possible (it can be challenging to gather together attendees, especially in smaller cities.)
weekends with events already scheduled that will compete with your event for attendees (other Hackathons, ChangeCamps, conferences)
Choose a Venue
The venue you select should be the righ
The drawing of electoral districts is among the least transparent processes in democratic governance. All too often, redistricting authorities maintain their power by obstructing public participation. The resulting districts embody the goals of politicians to the detriment of the representational interests of communities and the public at large.
Partnership and the index based on the 8 principles of Open Government Data that measures the transparency of the lists of beneficiaries of European Regional Policy