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Caching can give the impression of being the holy grail for all performance problems. But how does caching really work in WordPress, and what techniques should you use and when? Here's the guide on Object Caching, Fragment Caching, Full Page Caching and Transients.
st case URL will be http://jsperf.com/slug
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e has only one matching row. The primary key is being used to find this particular record, and the number of rows MySQL thinks it needs to examine to find this record is 1. All of which means MySQL could have run this query thousands of times in the time it took you to read this little explanation.
(tags: performance tools webdesign)
(tags: performance tools webdesign)
(tags: performance tools webdesign)
(tags: gathering browser performance characteristics)
(tags: performance tools webdesign sprites)
(tags: artikel performance cache webdesign optimierung)
(tags: performance tools firebug webdesign)
(tags: performance tools firebug webdesign)