3546 shaares
888 private links
888 private links
10 results
m generates information, a valuable and, until recently, underutilized byproduct that has
proven to be a force in addres
sing key issues in transit and improving the transit experience. To unlock the power
of this information, however, it must be manipulated, coded and synthesized by tech
savvy software developers.
Transit agencies who have realized this and facilitated an o
pen exchange of data have reaped the benefits in the
form of regional transit trip planners, urban exploration tools and location
aware transit navigation apps for
current and potential riders alike.
(tags: seo sem traffic ranking web-metrics)
(tags: seo sem traffic ranking web-metrics)
(tags: seo sem traffic ranking web-metrics)
(tags: seo sem traffic ranking web-metrics)
(tags: traffic visualisierung)
(tags: vergleich statistiken traffic pageviews)