888 private links
m generates information, a valuable and, until recently, underutilized byproduct that has
proven to be a force in addres
sing key issues in transit and improving the transit experience. To unlock the power
of this information, however, it must be manipulated, coded and synthesized by tech
savvy software developers.
Transit agencies who have realized this and facilitated an o
pen exchange of data have reaped the benefits in the
form of regional transit trip planners, urban exploration tools and location
aware transit navigation apps for
current and potential riders alike.
webservice.ft die API ansprechen. (Unter OS X kann man noch ein | xmllint --format - zur besseren Übersicht anhängen).
Ursprünglich war diese API eine REST-API, seit Version 2.0 (=Version 3.0 der qando Clients) wird im Request ein XML-Dokument geschickt und ein XML-Dokument wird auch wieder empfangen.
POST-Requests werden an die URL http://webservice.qando.at/2.0/webservice.ft geschickt.
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oday is a whole new world in the relationship between MTA and developer such as myself,” says Chris Shoenfeld, developer of StationStops, a popular application that uses agency data. “We have defined an active channel of communication moderated by very capable and communicative representatives at MTA, as well as very significant progress in the exporting of data sets. MTA shows developers consistently that it is dedicated to supporting them.”
To learn more about the benefits of o
(tags: u-bahn verkehr wien)