Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

July, 2010 - The World in Action

org ist eine Gemeinschaft von Weltbürgern, die sich für die wichtigsten Themen unserer Welt engagieren. Avaaz hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, den Einfluss der Ansichten und Wertvorstellungen aller Menschen – und nicht nur jener der politischen Eliten und Großunter

Grabeeter - Grab and Search your Tweets
this, is boomerang
Liste mit Twitter Tipps und Apps | Addons, Anleitung Twitter, Applikationen, Liste Twitter Apps, Twitter Apps, Twitter Ratgeber, Twitter Tipps, Twitter Tools | blogaboutjob Jobs Karriere Recruiting Arbeit
WordPress › Kadom Ads Management « WordPress Plugins
UNdata - a world of information
Enterprise Microblogging als "Add-on" des Wissensmanagements

Alexander Stockers Weblog zu Web 2.0 und Unternehmen

mcrumbs - Augmented-Reality syndication
rhomobile - the open mobile framework

Rhodes is an open source framework to rapidly build NATIVE apps for all major smartphone operating systems (iPhone, Windows Mobile, RIM, Symbian and Android). These are true native device applications (NOT mobile web apps) which work with synchronized local data and take advantage of device capabilities such as GPS, PIM contacts and camera.

BuitenBeter - Snel en Makkelijk melden met je Smartphone. Werkt in heel Nederland!
15 awesome Augmented Reality apps « Andrew Sellick

Reality dressing room allows users to “try on” clothes in real time using webcams, delivering, what is to date, one of the best augmented reality ideas, although work is still required to provide more natural clothing (I.e. clothes that fit to and move with the user rather tha

CSS3 und abgerundete Ecken |

ndung { border: 1px solid #8b4513; -moz-border-radius: 5px 59px; -webkit-border-rad

QR Code Reader | QR Code Generator from BeeTagg
10 Ways Geolocation is Changing the World | Max Gladwell
Here come the healthcare apps - O'Reilly Radar
European Environment Information and Observation Network - Eionet
10 life-saving PHP snippets

ighlight specific words in a phrase

Sometimes, for example, when displaying search results, it is a great idea to highlight specific words. This is exactly what the following function c

Daten und Zahlen des Lebensministeriums
10 WordPress-Plugins zur Banner-Verwaltung > Blogs, Geld verdienen, Online-Werbung > Banner, Plugin, WordPress, Werbung, Bannerverwaltung, Ads, Geld, Geld verdienen
Yahoo Pipes und Twitterfeed-Tutorial: Bundestag-RSS filtern | Datenjournalist
ShareKit : Drop-in Share Features for all iOS Apps
critical-thinking - a world-class resource for teaching critical thinking and Internet literacies
Webdesign Preise: Was kostet eine Website
HMG - Your Freedom
G4 is your way to organize geospatial data!
HTML5 Microdata: Welcome to the Machine | Nettuts+
16 Augmented Reality Business Models - Social Media Graphics
Die fünf Sterne von Linked Open Data | Open Data Network
computer-hardware-2.jpg (JPEG-Grafik, 1280x1813 Pixel)
WordPress: FTP-Daten in der wp-config.php speichern - pehbehbeh
CSC Government 2.0 in der Betaphase (Studie) – Ergebnisse und Chancen für die Verwaltung
Umweltinformationen ::Publikationen::
10 Free Feedback Tools for Web Designers | [Re]
Google Maps Slider | CSS-Tricks

it’s third version. I remember playing with some version of the API back in v2 and thought it was kinda cool but a bit obtuse. For one thing, v3 no longer requires applying for an API key which is nice.

I’m sure it’s partly me getting better at JavaScript, but I found the API quite well done and easy to work with. For one thing, it’s fully evented. That means you can attach event listeners to different thing, like the map itself or things inside the map. A simple example would be if a marker is clicked, you can change the zoom level of the map, change information shown elsewhere on the page, or really anything else you might want to do with JavaScript.

Not only is it evented for dealing with things inside the map, but the objects you used to create the map and stuff inside it are full of methods fo

9 ways to create and share social media at an event -Jeffbullas's Blog
Digitale Nachhaltigkeit - Begleitblog zur Parlamentarischen Gruppe der Schweiz