Monthly Shaarli
January, 2011
Inkscape ist ein Open-Source-Vektorgrafikeditor, dessen Fähigkeiten mit denen von Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw oder Xara X vergleichbar sind.
e aren't necessarily metrics related to your application's or infrastructure's availability, they're more along the lines of what your users are doing right now, or have done over the last month. Think number of new users per day, number of sales in the last hour, or, in our case, number of EC2 instances running at any minute. Stuff like Google Analytics or cli
/ detect whether user is logged in. here we check for an existence of a cookie /
head.feature("logged", mycookielib.get_cookie("auth_token"));
/* .. and write CSS accor
oday is a whole new world in the relationship between MTA and developer such as myself,” says Chris Shoenfeld, developer of StationStops, a popular application that uses agency data. “We have defined an active channel of communication moderated by very capable and communicative representatives at MTA, as well as very significant progress in the exporting of data sets. MTA shows developers consistently that it is dedicated to supporting them.”
To learn more about the benefits of o
oxy is to provide data contained in the CKAN resources for data previews and for raw data API. The raw data API should return structure in normalized/common structured
climate, health, finance, economics, traffic
50 definitions
original draft proposal for the Where does my money go?