Monthly Shaarli

All links of one month in a single page.

January, 2011

Google APIs & Developer Products - January 2011
giCentre : HiDE: Hierarchical Data Explorer
Jack Dorsey’s original vision of Twitter - Chapter 1. Government As a Platform
Inkscape. Draw Freely.

Inkscape ist ein Open-Source-Vektorgrafikeditor, dessen Fähigkeiten mit denen von Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw oder Xara X vergleichbar sind.

NYC BigApps 2.0 - App Competition
When is a Free WordPress Theme Really Free? Some Thoughts and Some Places to Find Them
paperplanes. The Virtues of Monitoring

e aren't necessarily metrics related to your application's or infrastructure's availability, they're more along the lines of what your users are doing right now, or have done over the last month. Think number of new users per day, number of sales in the last hour, or, in our case, number of EC2 instances running at any minute. Stuff like Google Analytics or cli

Ushahidi - a tool to easily crowdsource information using multiple channels
Janrain | user management platform for the social web
Head JS :: The only script in your HEAD

/ detect whether user is logged in. here we check for an existence of a cookie /
head.feature("logged", mycookielib.get_cookie("auth_token"));

/* .. and write CSS accor

Transport for London | Guidelines and Support | Developers Area |
New York Transit Data
Open Transit Data: NYC MTA’s Transformation | OpenPlans

oday is a whole new world in the relationship between MTA and developer such as myself,” says Chris Shoenfeld, developer of StationStops, a popular application that uses agency data. “We have defined an active channel of communication moderated by very capable and communicative representatives at MTA, as well as very significant progress in the exporting of data sets. MTA shows developers consistently that it is dedicated to supporting them.”

To learn more about the benefits of o

Government 2.0 Netzwerk Deutschland » Blog Archive » Eindrücke von “Moderner Staat” – eine Konferenz im Zeichen des Open Government?
Democracy Barometer
9 Super Useful WordPress Multisite Plugins For Network Managers | WordPress, Multisite and BuddyPress plugins, themes, news and help –
Open Linked Data as Part of a Government Enterprise Architecture - Open Data
AdMob Metrics - Our Insights on the Mobile Ecosystem


How Much CO2 Is Created By… | GE Data Visualization
Follower Wonk: Cool stuff with Twitter bios, stats, and such
Twapper Keeper - "We save tweets" - Archive Tweets
In Investing, It’s When You Start and When You Finish - Graphic -
Stats about all US cities - real estate, relocation info, house prices, home value estimator, recent sales, cost of living, crime, race, income, photos, education, maps, weather, houses, schools, neighborhoods, and more
Tiny Tiny RSS - WikiStart - Tiny Tiny RSS
The Conversation Prism by Brian Solis and JESS3
dataviz - Improving data visualisation for the public sector
Comprehensive spending review interactive: you make the cuts | Politics |
Open Source GIS
Raw Data in CKAN Resources and Data Proxy | CKAN Project Blog

oxy is to provide data contained in the CKAN resources for data previews and for raw data API. The raw data API should return structure in normalized/common structured

Wordpress für Profis: Als Redakteur mit Wordpress Inhalte erstellen, verwalten und bekannt machen - Online lernen bei | Verifying and Filtering News (FOSS)
New 11 Public Data Transparency Principles -
The 70 Online Databases that Define Our Planet - Technology Review

climate, health, finance, economics, traffic

Top 10 Most Common Coding Mistakes in WordPress Plugins « planetOzh


What is Social Media | The Social Media Guide

50 definitions

Themify : Awesome WordPress Themes
Volkside | Introducing Wirify: The web as wireframes
jQuery google api and other google hosted javascript libraries. -
eChemPortal - Home
Apps4Ottawa—An Open Data App Contest | Developer Resources
Where Does My Money Go? project proposal from 2nd April 2007

original draft proposal for the Where does my money go?